O analiza interesanta realizata de catre FT ...
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“Some airlines have kept going longer than they would have and some have put more capacity in as a result of cheaper fuel.But there is a self-correcting mechanism here — the capacity glut leads to plummeting unit revenues, and...
O lectura interesanta pentru cine are timp si dornic sa mai acumuleze niste informatii ...
The potential of the long-haul low-cost business model and its impact on the Netherlands
Nici astia nu o duc mai bine :(
EX-YU Aviation News: Montenegro Airlines posts biggest loss in history
Planuiesc sa includ un zbor cu ei la vara (VIE-TGD), sa vedem ce fel de servicii au..
United’s Quest to Be Less Awful
Am deschis acest thread cu un articol despre incercarea de a se relansa, in pofida a numeroase probleme, a acestui operator aerian din Statele Unite.
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