Air Italy (ex Meridiana Fly) (IG/ISS)

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fly-ra 2017
Feb 9, 2012
Flugstatistik / Flightmemory
Dupa câteva încercari de a intra pe piata din România (neîncununate de succesul scontat) Meridiana fly mai face o încercare în vara viitoare si deschide din 26.03 o ruta regulata în premiera pentru piata din România, Olbia în Sardinia:

IG 181 OLB 11:00 - OTP 14:40, M80, Tuesday
IG 182 OTP 15:30 - OLB 17:05

Bilete se gasesc la ei pe site de la 200,-€ RT cu toate taxele incluse (fara bagaj de cala).
cool ca apare e companie noua, mai ales cu md-80! chiar ca nu erau rute directe spre sardinia! :)
Se p pe acolomnui utea incerca si cu CRA! Banuiesc ca acolo nu sunt olteni, de aceea nu au solicitat!
Businessul lor principal e charter. Poate ca le-a picat un deal aflat pe teava si atunci s-a reactionat dupa principiul totul sau nimic.
Alta companie italiana "vanata" de arabi :
Qatar Airways (QR, Doha Hamad Int'l) CEO Akbar al Baker has confirmed rumours in the Italian media that his airline is interested in Italy's Meridiana (IG, Olbia). Al Baker reportedly made the remarks during an interview with local television Italy's La Stampa newspaper has said...
Alongside plans to cut unprofitable routes and retire its A320-200, MD-82, and MD-83 fleets, Meridiana recently embarked on a controversial downsizing drive which will see an estimated 71% of the workforce or 1'500 employees being laid off.
Despite stiff opposition from unions, Scaramella hopes Meridiana will emerge rejuvenated, streamlined and above all more palatable to a potential foreign investor - in this case Qatar Airways.
In April this year, Al Baker announced Qatar Airways was on the hunt for what he termed "worthwhile investments" having already passed up offers for Air Seychelles (HM, Mahé), Jat Airways (JU, Belgrade), and Olympic Air (OA, Athens Int'l).
ch aviation

PS : IG ar trebui mutata la Companii aeriene din strainatate
Se tot reinventeaza.
Interesant ca nu au pastrat nici macar culorile si nici nu au facut un livery derivat din culorile Italiei daca tot se vor numi AirItaly.

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Mie imi cam seamana a Eurowings... in ultimul timp se intrec companiile la liveries naspa....:rolleyes:
Credeam ca sunt pe site-ul Eurowings o_O Inclusiv fontul e asemanator. Ar merita un lawsuit din partea nemtilor...
Am modificat titlul threadului ,tinand cont de rebrandingul companiei.
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  • American, Delta și United Airlines l-au rugat pe președintele Trump să facă un lucru important pentru ele
Corporate Report: American, Delta și United Airlines l-au rugat pe președintele Trump să facă un lucru important pentru ele; Philip Morris trebuie să elimine fumatul pentru ca să supraviețuiască

,,Companiile americane vor ca Trump să se năpustească pe Air Italy și s-o oprească să mai facă atâtea zboruri non-stop între SUA și Europa. Sunt atât de preocupate deoarece Air Italy este deținută în proporție de 49% de Qatar Airways, despre care pretind că încalcă o înțelegere cu guvernul american de anul trecut...
Dar scrisoarea către Trump atinge fiecare coardă:
- Îi spune că Qatar Airways încalcă o „înțelegere istorică” negociată de administrația Trump.
- Îi cere să salveze nu companiile aeriene, ci să oprească Qatar Airways „să facă rău muncitorilor americani”.
- Spune că situația „reprezintă o amenințare gravă pentru locurile de muncă din America și pentru sănătatea industriei aviatice”.
- Încheie totul cu o lovitură în forță: „Apreciem conducerea dumneavoastră hotărâtă să impună principii corecte de comerț și vă rugăm să continuați să luați poziție în favoarea celor peste 1,2 milioane de muncitori americani ale căror locuri de muncă depind de puternica și energica industrie aviatică pentru pasageri.”

Scrisoarea o puteti citi aici
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The European Commission has presented a strongly worded letter to the United States warning it not to prevent Air Italy (IG, Milan Malpensa) from flying to the US, Air Transport World has reported.

The warning comes as American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines scale up a combined challenge to Air Italy’s rights to fly to the US, accusing it of acting as a proxy for Qatar Airways, which has a 49% stake in the carrier. The carriers have launched a media campaign in US newspapers and lobbied Congress, claiming Air Italy’s services are in effect Qatar Airways fifth freedom flights.

The letter, by Henrik Hololei, director-general for mobility and transport, and addressed to Manisha Singh, who was until the end of June the acting US undersecretary of state for economic growth, energy and the environment, states that the commission “will take all steps necessary to defend the rights of the European Union, its Member States and its air carriers” under the EU-US Open Skies agreement

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The European Commission has presented a strongly worded letter to the United States warning it not to prevent Air Italy (IG, Milan Malpensa) from flying to the US, Air Transport World has reported
Iar unchiul Sam a fost atat de impresionat de cuvintele tari din scrisoare incat si-a cerut scuze si a promis ca nu mai face.
Se pare ca va ajunge acest thread la companii defuncte.

Following the shareholders' meeting of Air Italy (Alisarda and Qatar Airways through AQA Holding spa) which decided the “liquidazione in bonis” of the company, and with the aim of minimizing the inconvenience for passengers holding Air Italy tickets, we inform all passengers that:

From 11 to 25 February2020 inclusive, all Air Italy flights will be operated by other carriers at the times and on the days previously scheduled; all passengers who booked flights (outward or return) after 25 February 2020 will be re-protected or fully refunded.

More specifically:

  • All scheduled flights (outward or return) up to and including 25 February 2020 (including the first departures on the morning of 26 February 2020 of domestic flights to Malpensa and from Male and Dakar airports) will be regularly operated, without any changes to the original scheduled dates and times and on the same flight conditions. Passengers will be able to fly using their ticket. Alternatively, passengers can always opt for a full ticket refund by emailing the following address [email protected] (or contacting their travel agency) prior to their flight’s departure time.
  • For all tickets scheduled to depart by 25 February 2020 and to return after 25 February 2020:
    • - the outward journey will be regularly operated, without any changes to the original scheduled dates and times and the same flight conditions; with regards to the return flight, passengers will be offered a travel option on the first available flight of another carrier, the details of which will be provided from 18 February 2020 by calling the following number from Italy: 892928, from abroad: +39078952682, from Usa: +1 866 3876359, from Canada: +1 800 7461888, or by contacting the travel agency in the case of purchase through this channel.
    • - Alternatively, passengers can opt to claim their refund for unused flight segments, by emailing the following address [email protected] (or by contacting the travel agency if the ticket was purchased through it) prior to the flight’s departure time.
  • Tickets for return flights after 25 February 2020:
    • - If purchased directly via the web (Air Italy portal) or Air Italy contact center, they will be fully refunded in a manner that will be provided via email, or requesting it at the address [email protected]
    • - If purchased through the Air Italy ticket office, they will be fully refunded by going to any Air Italy ticket office
    • - If purchased through a travel agency it will be necessary to request a refund or a change of travel by contacting the agency

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A ajuns deja. Aga Khan nu are bani, Qatar nu mai poate baga ca isi pierd statutul de companie europeana.