BH Air - Balkan Holidays Air (8H,
has applied to the Department of Transportation for US traffic rights. According to CEO Yanko Ivanov,
the airline wishes to offer a 3x weekly service to unspecified destinations in the United States beginning in either April or May.
"We have the full support of the state," Ivanov told Bulgaria's 24 Chasa Daily.
The US Federal Aviation Administration raised Bulgaria's safety rating from Category 2 to Category 1 in 2008, thereby permitting Bulgarian airlines to operate direct flights to the US using their own aircraft.
A branch of tour operator Balkan Holidays International, BH Air offers charter flights to the United Kingdom, Scandinavia, Germany, Israel and Switzerland, as well as ad-hoc charters to other destinations, using its fleet of two
A319-100s and three A320-200s.