Drobeta Fly In 2013 - Six'th edition

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Endre, bine venit pe la noi si sper sa ai un sejur placut.

Wow. Mersi pentru poze! uite-l si pe OOVNI cu D-EGLA.
La multi ani 2014 ! Evenimentul Drobeta Fly In - Seven'th edition - International Aero Fest va avea loc pe Aerodromul Drobeta, ca si pana acum, in ultimul weekend al lunii Iunie, in mijlocul verii, pe Aerodromul Drobeta. Va asteptam cu drag.
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Mersi de urari Endre. La Multi Ani si tie.
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Drobeta Fly In is a tipical fly in event where we meet to be together in a pleasant environment in mid summer.
The Danube's Canyon with it's great landscape that's only 12' of flight from the airfield, the ease of flying at the airfield whenever You want due to no CTR in proximity, the good food we make and the beauty of the Tropical's Hotel roses garden where we spend together our evenings are enough reasons to bring us together every year ;)