Air Italy a fost anuntata oficial pe 19 februarie, intr-o conferinta de presa ce a avut loc la Milano, de Akbar Al Baker, CEO-ul Qatar Airways, operator care a cumparat, in 2017, 49% din Meridiana.
Al Baker a afirmat ca Air Italy tinteste direct Alitalia, iar Qatar Airways sprijina pe deplin Air Italy pentru a deveni compania nationala aeriana a Italiei. Cu hub-ul pe aeroportul Malpensa din Milano, Air Italy va avea in flota, in urmatorii 3 ani, 20 de Boeing-uri 737 MAX 8 plus 5 Airbus-uri A330, inchiriate “la tarifele pietei” de la Qatar Airways.
De asemenea, Air Italy va avea in flota si 20 de Dreamlinere 787-8 incepand din mai 2019, numarul total al avioanelor ajungand astfel la 45. Pasagerii Air Italy vor avea la dispozitie doua clase de calatorie: Business si Economy. Pe anumite rute, zborurile Qatar Airways si Air Italy vor fi operate in regim codeshare.
Meridiana launches as Air Italy
An exciting launch today in Milan, Italy. Meridiana, of which Qatar Airways Group owns a 49% share, reveals its new identity as Air Italy and is set to expand with new destinations and aircraft.
Posted by Qatar Airways on 19 Februarie 2018
REBRANDED / Meridiana relaunched as Air Italy with Alitalia in its sights. Air Italy will grow to a fleet of 50 aircraft…
Posted by Aeronews on 19 Februarie 2018
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Al Baker a afirmat ca Air Italy tinteste direct Alitalia, iar Qatar Airways sprijina pe deplin Air Italy pentru a deveni compania nationala aeriana a Italiei. Cu hub-ul pe aeroportul Malpensa din Milano, Air Italy va avea in flota, in urmatorii 3 ani, 20 de Boeing-uri 737 MAX 8 plus 5 Airbus-uri A330, inchiriate “la tarifele pietei” de la Qatar Airways.
De asemenea, Air Italy va avea in flota si 20 de Dreamlinere 787-8 incepand din mai 2019, numarul total al avioanelor ajungand astfel la 45. Pasagerii Air Italy vor avea la dispozitie doua clase de calatorie: Business si Economy. Pe anumite rute, zborurile Qatar Airways si Air Italy vor fi operate in regim codeshare.
Meridiana launches as Air Italy
An exciting launch today in Milan, Italy. Meridiana, of which Qatar Airways Group owns a 49% share, reveals its new identity as Air Italy and is set to expand with new destinations and aircraft.
Posted by Qatar Airways on 19 Februarie 2018
REBRANDED / Meridiana relaunched as Air Italy with Alitalia in its sights. Air Italy will grow to a fleet of 50 aircraft…
Posted by Aeronews on 19 Februarie 2018
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