So long, Bombardier CS100 / CS300, hello A220-100 / A220-300! Astazi, la Toulouse, Airbus a prezentat oficial noile denumiri si noul livery.
Primul A220-300, afisand inca inmatricularea de Canada (ex Bombardier CS300), a aterizat la TLS la ora locala 12:25 venind din East Midlands, unde a fost vopsit in noul livery Airbus. Inainte de aterizare, aeronava a facut un low-pass, dupa care a ocolit larg aeroportul. Optimizate pentru segmentul 100-150 de locuri, A220-100 si A220-300 apar deja pe site-ul Airbus si ofera 120 de locuri, respectiv 130/140 de locuri, “completand perfect gama A320neo”.
Airbus welcomes the A220, the new member of its single aisle family
Today we have welcomed the #A220, the new member of our single aisle family. Relive
this historical moment and read
what this game changing aircraft has to offer: A220 Family
Publicată de Airbus pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
Welcoming the #A220, the latest addition to the Airbus Family.
Join us in welcoming the #A220 – the newest addition to the Airbus Family.
Publicată de Airbus pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
OFFICIAL / CS100 becomes Airbus #A220-100 and CS300, A220-300.
Benjamin Bearup, Airbus. #avgeek
Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
BRINGING superior passenger comfort in the small single-aisle segment, the Airbus #A220 offers seats of at least 18 inch…
Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
NEWLY (named) aircraft in town: Airbus #A220-100 and -300., Airbus.
#avgeek #toulouse #airbus
Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
#A220-300, ex Bombardier CS300, is holding near Toulouse and waiting for the Airbus event to begin at 12:30 local time.Live from TLS:
Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018

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Primul A220-300, afisand inca inmatricularea de Canada (ex Bombardier CS300), a aterizat la TLS la ora locala 12:25 venind din East Midlands, unde a fost vopsit in noul livery Airbus. Inainte de aterizare, aeronava a facut un low-pass, dupa care a ocolit larg aeroportul. Optimizate pentru segmentul 100-150 de locuri, A220-100 si A220-300 apar deja pe site-ul Airbus si ofera 120 de locuri, respectiv 130/140 de locuri, “completand perfect gama A320neo”.
Airbus welcomes the A220, the new member of its single aisle family
Today we have welcomed the #A220, the new member of our single aisle family. Relive

Publicată de Airbus pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
Welcoming the #A220, the latest addition to the Airbus Family.
Join us in welcoming the #A220 – the newest addition to the Airbus Family.
Publicată de Airbus pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
OFFICIAL / CS100 becomes Airbus #A220-100 and CS300, A220-300.

Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
BRINGING superior passenger comfort in the small single-aisle segment, the Airbus #A220 offers seats of at least 18 inch…
Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
NEWLY (named) aircraft in town: Airbus #A220-100 and -300.

Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018
#A220-300, ex Bombardier CS300, is holding near Toulouse and waiting for the Airbus event to begin at 12:30 local time.Live from TLS:
Publicată de Aeronews pe Marţi, 10 Iulie 2018

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