VIDEO / Primul zbor Boeing 737 MAX 7

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Aug 1, 2014
Zborul a avut loc pe 16 martie si durat 3 ore si 5 minute, avionul fiind pilotat de comandantii Jim Webb si Keith Otsuka. Certificarea si prima livrare MAX 7 vor avea loc in 2019 catre Southwest, clientul de lansare.

Al treilea membru al familiei, MAX 7 poate primi la bord pana la 172 de pasageri si are o autonomie de 7130 km, cea mai mare din gama MAX. De asemenea, MAX 7 poate transporta +12 pasageri pe o distanta mai mare cu 740 km decat Airbus A319neo, costurile legate de carburant fiind mai mici cu 7%. Gama 737 MAX este caracterizata de motoarele CFM International LEAP-1B, Advanced Technology winglets, Boeing Sky Interior si este gama care s-a vandut cel mai repede in istoria Boeing, acumuland pana acum peste 4300 de comenzi din partea a 93 de clienti.

737 MAX 7 First Flight

First time in the sky for 737 MAX 7! Excited to bring this airplane to life and strengthen the #737MAX family in production and in service.
Boeing: 737 MAX #737MAX7

Posted by The Boeing Company on 16 Martie 2018

Successful first flight for Boeing 737 MAX 7

First time in the sky for 737 MAX 7!
Get to know how the key design features of the MAX 7 – including powerful LEAP-1B engines, distinguishable Advanced Technology winglets and other improvements – will help this airplane fly 500 nautical miles farther on 5 percent lower fuel costs per seat. Boeing: 737 MAX #737MAX #737MAX7

Posted by The Boeing Company on 16 Martie 2018



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